Not your imagination- People are getting sick more often after pandemic. What can we do?

Have you or your loved ones gotten sick more often since the Covid pandemic? You’re not alone. According to a study done by Bloomberg and London-based disease forecasting firm, Airfinity Ltd., at least 13 communicable diseases- from the common cold to measles and tuberculosis- are surging past pre-pandemic levels in regions across the world. The research alsoContinue reading “Not your imagination- People are getting sick more often after pandemic. What can we do?”

COVID-19, flu and RSV: 5 tips for a healthier season

After COVID-19 restrictions were lifted, much of the world experienced a “tripledemic”, with COVID-19, the flu and RSV circulating at the same time and causing a huge rise in respiratory infections and hospitalizations. Besides getting vaccinated, ensuring adequate sleep and staying active with regular exercise, here are five health tips to keep you and yourContinue reading “COVID-19, flu and RSV: 5 tips for a healthier season”