Staying home during COVID-19 pandemic: how to avoid overeating

Are you among the millions staying at home during this pandemic? You may have seen the “COVID-19” memes about gaining 19 pounds during self-isolation at home. It’s easy for some people to overeat on a normal day, not to mention now, as we face unprecedented and unpredictable times. Have you been craving high-calorie and high-sugarContinue reading “Staying home during COVID-19 pandemic: how to avoid overeating”

Stressed? Anxious? Spend time in nature.

More and more research is showing a strong connection between time spent in nature and reduced stress, anxiety and depression. Not only that, but individuals who are more connected to nature tend to be happier in general. Interacting with nature offers a variety of therapeutic benefits. For instance, calming nature sounds and even outdoor silence canContinue reading “Stressed? Anxious? Spend time in nature.”