What’s your dementia risk 失智風險? New screening tool uses 11 risk factors to predict dementia with up to 80% accuracy

Millions of people globally live with dementia, a progressive neurodegenerative condition where one loses cognitive functioning- namely the loss of memory, thinking and reasoning skills. For people with dementia, the cognitive decline is so severe that it interferes with their daily life and activities. Recently, researchers developed a dementia risk score consisting of 11 riskContinue reading “What’s your dementia risk 失智風險? New screening tool uses 11 risk factors to predict dementia with up to 80% accuracy”

Brain shrinkage, cognitive decline, long COVID after infection: what researchers have discovered so far

Brain shrinkage and cognitive decline in Covid patients An Oxford University study published in the journal Nature yesterday (March 7th) found that COVID-19 can cause the brain to shrink, reduce grey matter in the regions that control emotion and memory as well as damage areas that control the sense of smell. These brain changes, detectedContinue reading “Brain shrinkage, cognitive decline, long COVID after infection: what researchers have discovered so far”

How to delay memory loss and cognitive aging

Everyone ages, but have you noticed that no two people age in the same way? Some people experience dramatic memory loss as they grow older, while others remain cognitively fit. Some experts say that diet is key, while others emphasise exercise and keeping active. Both factors have an impact on how your brain will age,Continue reading “How to delay memory loss and cognitive aging”

Stressed? Anxious? Spend time in nature.

More and more research is showing a strong connection between time spent in nature and reduced stress, anxiety and depression. Not only that, but individuals who are more connected to nature tend to be happier in general. Interacting with nature offers a variety of therapeutic benefits. For instance, calming nature sounds and even outdoor silence canContinue reading “Stressed? Anxious? Spend time in nature.”

How to protect your memory and brain health

Whether you want to sharpen your memory or prevent cognitive decline, the following tips will help keep your brain healthy and functioning optimally: Challenge your brain. Work, read, do a crossword puzzle or solve Sudoku. Play bridge or mahjong with a group, or challenge a friend to a game of chess. If you are onContinue reading “How to protect your memory and brain health”

Smoking and memory damage

A new study from Northumbria University has found that people who smoke only on weekends cause as much damage to their memory as those who smoke every day. The Collaboration for Drug and Alcohol Research Group in Northumbria’s School of Life Sciences tested 28 “social smokers” who smoke around 20 cigarettes once or twice aContinue reading “Smoking and memory damage”