Long COVID: what researchers have discovered so far

A research team at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine and at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has found that prolonged inflammation after SARS-CoV-2 infections causes permanent damage to lungs and kidneys, affects the brain, and is correlated with behavioural changes. Led by Dr. Benjamin tenOever and Dr. Venetia Zachariouset, the researchersContinue reading “Long COVID: what researchers have discovered so far”

Self-care tips for the new year

2021 is coming to an end. The COVID pandemic is still here; the Omicron variant is spreading like wildfire in many parts of the world. You may have suffered immeasurable loss this year, or faced numerous challenges. Or you may have enjoyed a very productive and successful year. Regardless of how 2021 has been forContinue reading “Self-care tips for the new year”

Study: one third of COVID survivors suffer neurological or mental disorders

A new study published in the Lancet Psychiatry journal has found that 34% of COVID-19 survivors were diagnosed with a brain or psychiatric disorder within 6 months, suggesting that the coronavirus pandemic could lead to a wave of mental and neurological problems. The study analysed health records of 236,379 COVID-19 patients, mostly from the UnitedContinue reading “Study: one third of COVID survivors suffer neurological or mental disorders”

2020 end-of-the-year reflection

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic propelled us into a world of unprecedented hardship and heartache. As vaccines are starting to be made available to the public and more people are adhering to social restrictions, we hope that this is the beginning of the end of the worst pandemic the world has seen in the lastContinue reading “2020 end-of-the-year reflection”

Health tips for cold/ flu season- amidst COVID-19

Kindergartens in Hong Kong will close for 2 weeks starting this Saturday due to outbreaks of upper respiratory tract infections across the city, a precautionary step amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and flu season. Besides getting your flu shot, what else can you do to stay healthy and prevent infection? Here are some tips to helpContinue reading “Health tips for cold/ flu season- amidst COVID-19”

Coronavirus COVID-19: Scottish government advises people to take vitamin D

As part of the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic guidance, the Scottish government has recommended that people start getting a daily dose of vitamin D. The government statement published last week says: “Since it’s difficult for people to get enough vitamin D from food alone, everyone (including children and pregnant and breastfeeding women) should consider taking a daily supplementContinue reading “Coronavirus COVID-19: Scottish government advises people to take vitamin D”

Staying home during COVID-19 pandemic: how to avoid overeating

Are you among the millions staying at home during this pandemic? You may have seen the “COVID-19” memes about gaining 19 pounds during self-isolation at home. It’s easy for some people to overeat on a normal day, not to mention now, as we face unprecedented and unpredictable times. Have you been craving high-calorie and high-sugarContinue reading “Staying home during COVID-19 pandemic: how to avoid overeating”

Coronavirus COVID-19: virus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days and ‘digestive symptoms are common’

The coronavirus survived for up to 17 days aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship, living much longer on surfaces than previous research has shown, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. Traces of the coronavirus were found on surfaces in cruise-ship cabins for as many as 17 days after passengersContinue reading “Coronavirus COVID-19: virus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days and ‘digestive symptoms are common’”

Coronavirus COVID-19: how to support your immune system

COVID-19 has taken center stage as countries across the world scramble to implement social restrictions in an attempt to curb the spread of the potentially deadly coronavirus. According to Harvard scientist Marc Lipsitch, 40 to 70% of the global population could become infected with the coronavirus. Though the majority of infected people experience symptoms similarContinue reading “Coronavirus COVID-19: how to support your immune system”

Coronavirus COVID-19: dealing with the epidemic and practical tips to protect your health

As the number of coronavirus COVID-19 cases keeps climbing up, education and information are crucial factors in the management of this novel virus that causes pneumonia. As of February 15th, there are 67,100 confirmed cases and 1,526 deaths globally, the majority of which are reported in Mainland China (66,492 confirmed cases). In Hong Kong, panicContinue reading “Coronavirus COVID-19: dealing with the epidemic and practical tips to protect your health”